The primary Numerus™ search interface is located on the Industry Data tab. The Entity Search interface supports complex queries against the 30,000+ manufacturing facilities. Entity type checkboxes, autocomplete data field entry, attribute dependent selectors and custom views are just a few of the useful features found here.
The Numerus™ database contains thousands of facilities categorized by type. A checkbox array on the left can be used to set the scope for the search to incorporate one or more entity types.
The typical search is a simple Boolean pattern of the form: [attribute] [operator] [value]. When entering the name of an attribute, the system will suggest matching attributes once three characters have been entered.
The options in the operators selection is a list that is dependent on the type of attribute you are searching. This greatly simplifies the selector and reduces the possibility of error.
Multiple criteria can be defined with and/or operators tying the criteria together. A customize feature allows the user to modify the grouping of criteria to achieve complex results.
By default, the results list suppliers by entity name, immediate parent, ultimate parent, city and state.
Users can select and create alternate Data Views, that highlight other groups of attributes.
Users can Export Results to an XLSX workbook. By default, all exportable attributes are downloaded for each facility on the list. Custom views can be used to narrow the export to specific, related attributes.
A context menu is accessible by hovering over any entity name. From the menu, users can perform a variety of actions on the entity or jump to the entity summary, or another detail view.
Searches that are repeatedly employed by a user can be saved as Favorites. Clicking the favorite search automatically fills in the search criteria and finds the matching entities.