Numerus™ Entity Summary

Numerus™ contains a rich aggregation of data on each automotive supplier facility. Much of the data is summarized in informational and navigational portlets accessed on the Entity Summary page.

Numerus Entity Summary


The Overview portlet identifies the entity location, phone, fax, email and date of establishment. If the entity has one or more parents they will be listed with the percent of ownership denoted.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Company Overview Portlet


The Contacts portlet identifies key marketing contacts at this facility. Contacts are cataloged by pre-defined role rather than title.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Contacts

Recent Updates

The Recent Updates portlet is an inventory of the most recent changes to this facility profile. The attribute updated, the new value and the change date are provided.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Recent Updates

Global Footprint Map

The Global Footprint Map provides a quick visual digest of the geographic spread of the entity and its related companies. Colors differentiate subsidiary facilities vs. those in the supplier's network.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Global Footprint Map

Manufacturing Footprint

The Manufacturing Footprint interface provides a quick reference to the number of facilities, employees and plant square footage by global region.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Manufacturing Footprint

Market Geography

The Market Geography interface provides the distance in miles between this facility and its’ suppliers, customers, the OEM assembly plants and the OEM parts plants.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Market Geography

Production Summary

The Production Summary portlet provides an inventory of the core capabilities of this facility including: manufacturing employees, manufacturing area, the parts manufactured, the manufacturing processes used, and the materials consumed.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Production Summary

Similar Companies

The Similar Companies interface lists companies with capabilities closely approximating this facility. It matches the parts, processes and materials to other companies to identify those that most closely match the subject facility.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Similar Companies

Educational Institutions

For facilities located in the US, the Educational Institutions portlet provides a snapshot of the college and university enrollment within close proximity to the facility.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Educational Institutions


The Transportation portlet provides a list of the 5 closest US Ports for waterborne shipping. A facility that incorporates imported goods into its supply chain will be dependent on these ports. Events that interrupt the service of these ports or transportation to and from them can impact delivery timing.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Transportation


The Weather portlet summarizes severe environmental events within 10 miles of the facility. These are actual weather events that have impacted the area around the facility rather than predicted severe weather.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Weather


The Earthquakes portlet lists earthquake events of magnitude 4.5 or greater that have occurred within 10 miles of the facility. The scope of this attribute is global.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Earthquake Data

Location Map

The Map portlet renders a satellite map of the facility's location.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Location Map


The Patents portlet lists patents held by this company or its network of related companies.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Patent Data

Related News

The Headlines interface provides links to news that relates to the company and its products. These news items are aggregated from leading sources of industry news.

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Numerus Entity Summary - Headlines
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