The strongest supply chains are built on trust.

Elm Analytics' core principles
inform and define our solutions.


Respect Confidentiality

Efforts to manage supply chains must respect every company’s need to preserve their competitive advantage.


Everyone Benefits

Every manufacturer, whether customer or supplier, big or small, should benefit from participating.


Leverage the Network Effect

Done right, there is a network effect in managing supply chain risk that exponentially generates additional value with each new participant.


Keep it Simple

Supply chains are complex, but the tools and models used to manage them need to be simple.


Improve Supply Chain Resilience

Giving your suppliers tools and visibility makes your entire supply chain more resilient. These provide metrics on how effectively your suppliers are managing their supply chain.


Pick Winners Not Losers

Supply chain management should be more about picking winners than losers – choose opportunities over risks.


One Isn't Enough

Supply chain risk is multi-faceted, and companies should be able to view multiple risk factors in one place.

Make informed decisions.

Expand your business.

Protect your company.